Selected Publications

2020 Reinventing Havana: Free Black Women and the Untold Stories of Modernity. Book manuscript under revision.

2016 Emergiendo del silencio: Mujeres negras en la historia de Cuba (Emerging from Silence: Black Women in the History of Cuba). Introduction chapter.  Havana, 2016

2011 “Colonial Period: The Church, Marriage and Sexuality.” Encyclopedia of Cuba: People, History, Culture (2011 edition) Greenwood Publishers, Westport, CT. 2011

2009 “What Isabel Did Not Say: Mistresses and Female Slaves in Nineteenth Century Havana.” Colonial Latin American Historical Research, 15:3, 2009.

2008 “Raza, género, y espacio: las mujeres negras y mulatas negocian su lugar en La Habana durante la década de 1830”( Race, Gender and Space: Black and Mulatto Women Negotiate their Place in Havana of the 1830s) Raza y Nación, Claudia Leal ed. Bogotá: University of Los Andes Press, 2008.

2007 “En los límites de la ley: El caso de Ursula Lambert” (Standing at the Limit of the Law: The Case of Ursula Lambert) Revista del Archivo Nacional de Cuba. Havana, 2007.2005 “Stretching the Limits of Gendered Spaces: Black Women in Early Modern Havana.” Cuban Studies, No.36,  87-104. 2005.

2005 “The Spaces and Faces of Music and Dance in Early Modern Havana”.  Music, Writing and Cultural Unity  in the Caribbean, Timothy Riess, ed. Trenton: Africa World Press, 2005.

2003 “Caos en la ciudad: La Habana en 1830.”  (Chaos in the City: Havana in 1830) Estudios:  Revista de Investigaciones Literarias y Culturales. No.22/23, 2003-4.