Regardless of why a person takes up dancing, when we dance most of us end up in conversation with our bodies, our image, and even ideas of our place in the world.  That’s why dancing in public can be somewhat intimidating and a little embarrassing. I invite dancers to bring any form of self consciousness to allow dance to change them by simply keep on moving and letting it happen.

I consider my students my interlocutors and partners in creating a dynamic and stimulating dance space. Their learning process is also mine so I’m  receptive to their questions and feedback and go the extra mile to support their needs.

We are fortunate to count with a dedicated technical support person (Giovanni Pietrobon), who helps my students and myself navigate the world of technology related to virtual communication now that we are live streaming indoor dance classes to comply with the current shelter-in-place guidelines while Covid-19 is a world pandemic.  He monitors and troubleshoots class and facilitates recordings for students who are unable to attend any given class.


Click here for Class Schedule